SciLog SciCon Conductivity Sensor

Single Use Assembly Benefits

The only pre-calibrated, single-use conductivity sensors with a gamma-stable memory device that stores data of all calibration, and sensor-specific information.

  • Pre-calibrated
  • NIST-traceable
  • Certified calibration
  • extended-use sensors (optional)
  • Gamma-stable
  • NaOH stable
  • Autoclave stable
  • Comprehensive customer support


Single Use Assembly Technical Data

High Range: 0.1 – 200mS range (± 0.25 mS Accuracy)

Low Range: 0 – 100µS range (± 3 µS Accuracy)


3/8″ Barb

1/2″ Barb

3/4″ Tri-Clover

Design temperature: 150°C

Design pressure: 10 barg, 6 barg if pneumatic valve

Welding: According to EN-287-1

SciCon® sensors can increase the efficiency of downstream purification operations such as diafiltration and chromatography through accurate measurement of conductivity parameters. Measuring conductivitiy allows operators to monitor the progress of diafiltrations indicating when a target process stream conductivity has been met. Similarly, the conductivity of the solution also gives an indication of the progress of ion exchange or hydrophobic interaction chromatography steps. In addition conductivity measurement provides a quantified review of filters being equilibrated prior to performing filtration, ensuring the readiness of the filter media as well as minimizing the quantity of buffer required during the flushing and equilibration process.

Single Use Assembly Application

  • Aseptic filtration
  • Chromatography
  • Reverse osmosis
  • Ultrapure water
  • Bags and manifolds


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